Thank You For Winter 2020
As the sun is shining into spring 2021, I just wanted to give everyone a little update on our Winter 2020.
Like everyone, 2020 really threw a spanner in the works for Winter Streets Project. Our funding was removed and 95% of our donations were withdrawn. All completely understandable due to the situation everyone was in. With this in mind, the trustees and myself decided to focus on producing 200 great quality kits and reducing our locations. This would be a nice throwback to the first set of kits made in 2016, just minus the freeze bags and better items inside.
The locations were SW London, central London, Havant, Chichester, Portsmouth, Fareham and Gosport.
Throughout the summered autumn we continued fundraising and raised just over £1000. Thank you very much for anyone who donated. This money along with some we saved from previous years funded purchasing the kit bags and kit items.
Thank you to Helen at First Aid Warehouse (first aid kits, foil blankets, hand sanitiser and PPE) and Hotline (kit bags and face masks) for their very kind discount, help and support this year and previous years.
Also a huge thank you to the wonderful team of knitters around the UK. This was personally my favourite item of all time, and thank you for your time, skill and dedication of adding a personal touch. Fantastically we have 136 ready for this winter. I hope your fingers aren’t too numb after all that knitting.
Thank you to Amy at Circular & Co for the incredibly kind donation of 200 reusable cups, made from recycled materials. This is definitely one of the most favourite items in this years kits.
Total number of people with Winter Street Project kits to date, 2,418.
Winter 2021:
With Winter 2020 coming to a close, we have begun thinking of Winter 2021 and what we can achieve.
This year’s goal is to produce 1,000 kits, to all previous locations and including Liverpool and Manchester.
We have already begun fundraising and have a Collection Pot set up, for anyone looking to donate.
We are also very lucky to be the recipients of the WSP Foundation Legacy Grant. Which will help cover the costs of the toiletries items and first aid. Thank you so much WSP (great name by the way), for you support and help making 2021 a success. Winter Streets Project look forward to working with your team members of the next year.
And as announced earlier in the year, we are kindly the recipients to the Rimini Street Christmas fundraiser. With the generous donation covering costs towards the kits bags, gloves, socks and hats. Thank you Faye for your help and getting in touch.
If anyone is interested in holding a fundraiser, donating items or their time, please get in touch with Lou at lou@winterstreetsproject.org.uk.
All in all after a tricky 2020, 2021 is looking fair more positive to help as many people as possible.
Once again thank you to everyone for their continued support. Winter Streets Project love you all!